An over-the-door storage system for empty filament spools. I designed this specifically for the bifold closet doors in my maker space. The hanger needs > 3mm of clearance at the top and 7.5mm behind so it will not work with most doors. It will accommodate a 30mm door. Everything is designed with 0.15mm of clearance.
I wanted to be able access the spools from either end to make it as easy as possible to get to a specific spool. The top shaft lifts off and the bottom screws together. Empty filament spools seem to average about 250g so I fully expect creep to set in, I'm keeping an eye on how fast it happens with PLA.
Printer Brand: Prusa
Printer: I3 MK3S
Rafts: No
Supports: No
Resolution: 0.2
Infill: 20%
Filament: eSilk PLA Silver
Given the weight I went pretty beefy. Three perimeters and 20% gyroid infill. The door hanger should print on its side to avoid overhangs and so delamination of layer lines isn't an issue.
Top shaft post printing
There's a 0.2mm sacrificial layer on the top shaft so it can print with contiguous bridging and doesn't require supports. I used a drill bit to clear out the cord path.
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.