the parts list and the documentation to get started can be found here
documents reading order
Project explained
How to use it
How to make it
Tester data
then the parts list / files from the starter set
rogue-6 mag bar version added
3DN6 HUU, bolt and nozzle added
manuals updated
with 3DN6 testing data and notes
KWA / KSC bolt have been added
tester data, how to use, how to build PDF's are updated for KWA /KSC bolt data
tester data, how to use, how to build PDF's are updated for KWA /KSC bolt data
Rogue mag catch bar added version
moving MKI ejector have been added
M5 nut lower have been added. for a stronger connection
it will use a 30mm long M5 bolt with 3d printed grips
the S bolt fronts have been moved to the advance parts kit.
the brass inserts uppers have been updated to have a 4.15mm hole so it's a bit tighter then the original was
Endcap Shims from the p9 have been added
brass insert lowers have been updated to a 4.15mm hole
the stock MKI and MKII butt-stocks have been added
some packages where missing the 3d charging handle knob
updated the green gas 2 way inlet valve section in the how to use pdf
co2 testing data added starts at page 38
and other manuals got some updates about CO2 and green gas
TM G 18c bolt added
bolt fronts have been updated with 2 options S (short) and N (normal) this will determent how far the nozzle can slide in the bolt.
APS XTP ACP bolts fronts have been added
small update on the M1D fire pin and left frame to act as a mag stop. and prevent gas from escaping when the mag is over inserted
new bolt fronts added it's highly recommended to update to this bolt front. So the nozzle cant fly out the front of the bolt in case of some tolerance issues. This update does not apply to AAP01 nozzles.
But this would bend the nozzle spring and gives ware on the nozzle that is unwanted.
Mag catch bar Partisan version added
4 -5-2024
stingray mag catches file cleaned up.
M1D Left side export error fixed
UNW trigger model have been added
2-5-2024 stingray mag catch bars added
the BIG 2024 project update status: complete
Parts: all parts are updated
manuals : all manuals have been updated
the parts list can be found here
(all lower parts have been updated)
New trigger, semi auto disconnect, hammer, fire pin assembly, mag catch bar
new tester data and project explained and how to use PDF added
parts list is updated
(all UPPER parts have been updated)
new pistons have been added,
new 3D charging handle,
new barrel adapter to match the nozzle,
new UNW Hop up unit to match the nozzle,
new MKI / MKII bolts have been added
A BIG 2024 project update is a view weeks away!!!
so my recommendation is to put your build on hold.
Barrel / UNW hop up unit will be updated
Bolts will be updated
bolt front caps
internal pars will be updated
and the manual
why? Better FPS/joule out putt
a more easy and relabel build
better nozzle support
nozzle spring guide (is all ready a beta thing)
For beta user keep in mind that I’m working and testing parts that are newer then the beta parts.
When this update is done and it’s confirmed that it is good update. Then there will be 2 alternate models added over time. The stingray, and partisan 6 edition of this project. In a H and BL version
link to the FGC-6 parts list
to day I discovered that I made a error with the nozzle spring placement. so even do the spring guide helps. do I recommend to reprint the bolt front! to prevent nozzle spring damage
also I have added support for the WE / AW G18 nozzle
the TM model is still a work in progress
ID 13,70mm piston options
supported nozzles for bolt front model: KJW PK13 17
KJW KP13 , KJW KP13c, KJW KP17,
supported nozzles for bolt front model: G17 WE AW
WE G17, WE, G19, WE G27, WE G34,
AW VX01, AW VX0100, AW VX0101, AW VX0111, AW VX7, AW VX9,
G-force 17, G-force 19,
supported nozzles for bolt front model: G18 WE AW
WE G18c, WE G23, WE G26,
AW VX02, AW, AW VX0200, AW VX0201, VX0210, AW VX0211, AW VX8,
G-force 18c,
ID 13.40mm piston options .
supported nozzles for bolt front model: TM G17
TM G17, TM G19, TM G22, TM G26. TM G34, (gen 3’s)
new disconnect bar have been added that will work with the new fire pin assembles
M1D and M1E these can be found here for now.
bolt fronts with spring guide have been added
and the extended charging handle bushings for MKII users that was made for the FA models in case you prefer that model.
the H lower to H upper disconnect have been updated I made a error that is now fixed
11-12-2023 Lockpin / project streamlining update
the lowers
have been switched for the H model lower.
These can be used for FA, BL and H models.
In case for old BL uses: it’s not necessary to reprint the lower. But for new builds it’s recommended to use the new parts of course
the uppers
the uppers have been updated to the H model upper
and a UNW hopup cut out have been applied.
In case for old BL uses: it’s not necessary to reprint the upper, but you do need to manually make the space for the disconnect lager. This not a hard thing to do. It’s explained in the FGC-6 H how to build manual what needs to be done (will be later added in the BL PDF as well (page 30)
the disconnects
are updated to work with the new Lock pin fire assembly that are at the moment a separate beta.
In case for old BL uses: Keep in mind that the disconnect part need to be chanced in case you want to try out the new Lock pin fire assembly. And since it’s harder to update the old BL lowers did I made a BL lower to H upper disconnect option
the bolts are now lock pin ready, besides that there are no big updates made on them.
Keep in mind that a SF bolt can also work as a semi auto bolt for a BL build in case you want to have more flexibility. In regards to semi auto and full auto fire
Bolt fronts
they have been updated to work with the new UNW hop up unit (beta)
Update: 10-3-2023
anarchy lowers have been added
update: 12-08-2023
roller bearing hammer have been added
roller bearing update note of the BL hammer
Update: 1-9-2023
manual updates
trigger part improved (less clean up for spring)
trigger update (old one works fine, just a ease of install update)
PDF's updated
new V2 hammer added. improvements are tested on the SF and should also be better on H and BL models. but I leave the old model in te set just in case you find it a better model
new v3 hammer added this one is definitely a replacement for the gen 1 hammer. but I will explain the difference in a video so you can see what the V1 , v2 v3 is all about
if correctly assembled then the 3d printed wheel should work okay, but it can’t compete to a actual role bearing of course so since this is a easy update to make is it worth to replace the 3d printed wheel for this part and see it as new standard.
but I have to be fair I have done not extensive testing on this at this point.
thanks to N8 for playing around with this concept, and Gibbs for testing this out as well.
compatibility note
is can be installed on the stock hammer but I do think it’s better to reprint the new model for this. but feel free to simply try the replace the 3d printed wheel for the roller bearing.
so long your roller bearing is the right size and bolt. then it should be a drop in replacement
movie link:
Materials needed
1x M2.5 torx flat head screw countersunk 12mm long
1x roller bearing ID 4mm, OD 12mm, 4mm wide
the FGC-6BL is here making this the first hammer fired semi auto GBB FGC-9 airsoft replica to be released. there will be later also a FGC-6H this will be the 1 on 1 replica in function and handling from the FGC-9. but the BL is very close to this as well the only difference is that the bolt will be partly open when the last round have been fired.
I can’t make any guarantees of course since the FGC-6H is not finished but the idea is that you only need to reprint the BOLT, HAMMER, and some small disconnect parts to switch between the FGC-6BL and the FGC-6H
this kit comes with a lot of options! so read the PDF’s well before you start so you know what to select to print and buy.
this project have been tested with green gas, red gas and HPA and it got a working range with the current springs of 80/90 up to 140 Psi on HPA.
look for shrouds and stock in the FGC-6BL MKI or MKI collections
FGC-6BL MKII links
FGC-6BL MKI and Hybrid
the advanced parts will be released in a separate package. note: only use them as fine tuning and experiment parts! your FGC-6BL should work with the parts provided in this starter kit.
movie link:
FGC-6 H FA: why and how to use the upper sand tool
hop up assembly
print settings:
0.2 layer hight should be fine.
you can use the 8 layer walls and a 40% infill.
but personally I moved a bit over to solid prints just to give it more strength in case things go wrong on the field…
for the lower I would use a brim on both the outside and inside the part just to prevent it from warping
The author marked this model as their own original creation.