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4 Versions of SD Card Holder: 4xSD or 2xSD+4xMicro or 8xMicro Cards or 1xSD + 6x Micro, 1 Lid for 2 Sides

Earlier posts were liked very much and inspired me to go for 4 versions. Now 4 versions available! I deleted old posts.
updated July 23, 2023



I downloaded and printed the sd card holder from "mmurase00". Then I figured out that the print can cause that sd card (micro and general sd as well) could either fall out of the slot or you have so much resistance that you run a high risk to damage the sd-card. Damaged sd-cards have already hurt my SD-card reader on my Prusa MK3.

So I completely redesigned the card holders. Thanks to "mmurase00" for this great idea. Earlier posts had two different combinations of SD, and SD+Micro, now added a new one Micro SD only. That should make it!

  1.    Holder 2xSD-card + 4 Micro-SD-cards (=2+4)
  2.    Holder 4xSD-card (only) (=4)
  3.    Holder 8xMicro SD-cards (only) (=8)
  4.    Holder 1xSD+6 Micro-SD-cards (=1+6)
  5.    Lid is applicable on top or on bottom of each sides. In the files-section with different
       aspects: unicolor or multicolor with numbers 1 through 6. 
  • Printed on my Voron 0.1. 
  • Lids on Prusa MK3S+ with MMU2s
  • Filament PETG 0.1mm layer height.
  • Nozzle 235°C / bed 85°C
  • Designed with TinkerCad

I printed pretty slow, as for details to come out fine. Little touch up in the spring slots, that is it!

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Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
