Thanks to djedje_zr7 for this awesome design. I made this, because i didn't want to “damage” my desk, by drilling into my table. The additions i made to the design are also parametric, so you can quickly change it to the preffered size. The screw is a M8 screw which needs to be printed separately. You can adjust the fit of the screw with the Screw_tightness paramter, which is a factor increasing the size of the screwhole (1.08:=8% worked fine for me, but it is a tight fit). You can test if the factor is right for you by printing and adjusting the “Testpart for screwtightness” file. The Stl for a 1.08= Screw_tightness parameter can be printed if you want to check first the tightness of the screw. MAKE SURE the test part is standing while printing, because the real part will be too and it makes a significant difference. You will need to use a sharp knife to cut away the blops inside the threads. Share your experience of the Screw_tightness value, which worked best for you and i will add the stl for that option. Also if you know a better kind of thread for this let me know. The provided stl of the main part can be used for table thickness ranging from 16mm to 28mm.
To calculate the range: [length-15,lenth-3]. There are certain limitations of the paramters, which will be obvios when making a change.
I added a locking rectangle, to make sure the device won't open accidentally. If you plan to stuff in many cables it's recommended to use this.
Tip+ Cura instructions:
I can recommend printing the screw in vase mode so there won't be a seam on the outside, which will decrease the friction a lot(last picture). To do so just use the normal screw stl and activate Spiralize Outer Contour (Smooth). As bottom thickness use 3.2mm, so the end of the screw is solid. I have a .6 nozzle, but it should be stable enough with a .4 nozzle too. I added a example gcode so you can see what i mean.
Improved Version V2:
Two new parameters Table_length and Screw_thightness_z.
Table_length changes the length of the upper arm, which clamps on the desk. I recommend 8mm as default for normal tables. If the edges are highly rounded for example you may need to increase this. <The size of the locking divice automatically changes too.
Screw_thightness_z changes the thread distance(not the actual z-axis in the CAD-File), while Screw_thightness changes the diameter of the threaded hole.
The biggest impovement is a nodge at the threaded hole, which prevents the overhanging filament to drip down and significantly increase the friction with the screw. The nodge needs to face up! I printed the screw in vase mode and the cable organizer with the nodge and there is just a tiny bit of friction left, without any additional tool work. You can try out the difference if you print both test parts.
The author remixed this model.