Case for a 10.1" Display (with RA 8876 Controller) and ESP32.
Designed for printing on 3D printers with small bed.
The ESP32 should have PSRAM included, in order to ensure that "big jpegs" can be shown.
I used that one:
This Display is used (I have a ER-TFTM101-1):
See pictures for cabeling and jumper settings on the display!
Display contains SD Card reader. Touch Display usage is also possible.
Currently I use the Display with Tasmota firmware
Freecad Files included
For Tasmota usage only
If you want to use Tasmota you have to compile the firmware by yourself.
You can use the attached platformio_override.ini and user_config_override.h files (must be renamed without .txt)
If you want to show jpg's with Tasmota, the have to be uploaded to SD Card thru Webinterface. The JPGs must be encoded to RGB-565 before. This can be done with IRFANVIEW or Faststoneimageviewer.
Also have a look on the Diplaytextcommands:
I had to set jumpers on the display for Backlight steering. see pictures
rules.txt show a rule, which runs every minute and display current date and time.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.