Da die Kartonhülle immer ganz schnell zerrissen war, wollte ich schon lange eine eigene Box designen...
Nun - hier ist es.
Passend für die Frischhaltefolie von ALUFIX - 300m - 29cm breit mit Fix-Cut System.
Viel Spaß beim nachbauen, verbessern, verschenken etc...
Wenn Ihr es verkauft - bitte um eine Spende - sonst: Macht damit was ihr wollt.
Since the cardboard sleeve was always torn very quickly, I wanted to design my own box for a long time ...
Well - here it is.
Suitable for the cling film from ALUFIX - 300m - 29cm wide with Fix-Cut System.
Have fun building, improving, giving away etc ...
If you sell it - thanks for a donation - otherwise: Do what you want with it.
(Translated with a little help of googleg)
Printer Brand:
Large Size Chiron
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter
Filament: Doesn't Matter PLA White, gray, black
I printed with noozle 0.4... for long time. I needed about 20 Hours.
I'm sure that it would go faster with bigger nozzle...
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.