My daughter and I enjoy tinkering around with the EV3 Lego robot set quite a bit, but I've always felt like it needed a more structurally solid frame for assembling the various motors and sensors to the command module.
I discovered Steve Medwin's amazing Customizable Straight Beam for LEGO Technic and started tinkering with making L-shaped brackets. After a bit of tinkering, I then found Sam Kass' improved model, Even More Customizable Straight Beam for LEGO Technic.
These models are amazing, and I give mad props to Steve and Sam for their incredible work, but they were still limited to creating straight beams, which wasn't going to give my frame the rigidity I wanted. I was interested in the possibility of creating more complex shapes, and this is my first stab at doing so.
You can use this to create L, T, #, or square brackets.
You can specify the types of holes created on the vertical and horizontal beams as round holes (by using the a lowercase letter "o") or a notched axle hole with the "+" (plus) character. Any other character will render as a blank spot, I've been using x for readability.
I'm nowhere near done what I want to create, but I thought this is useful enough to release as is.
v 0.2 update (Jan 11, 2018) -- I've added support for creating intersecting beams with overhangs (#). I've also cleaned up what was frankly some very embarrassingly bad code on my part. This version renders much quicker, and the code should be more useful for folks who want to build crazy shapes beyond what is provided here.
Printer Brand:
I've been printing with solid infill for now \_(ツ)_/
PETG with solid infill results in a piece that seems significantly stronger than stock Lego parts.
Category: Construction ToysThe author remixed this model. Imported from Thingiverse.