I've created a 3D fireworks wheel with the help of 3d printing.
updated January 28, 2023



The main shaft uses a 12mm bearing(6201-ZZ) and the other ones use a 8mm bearing(608-ZZ)

the triangle shape is made out of bamboo sticks and tied together with steel wire.

The shaft is a 12mm steel rod.

The spokes are 8mm. I've used 8mm aluminium rods from the home depot store. You can make them as long if you want. I made mine around 500mm. To make it easier to transport i made the extensions in parts(i later realized it was hard to move). The photo of the ‘kogellagerklem’ is different from the uploaded model because i didn't think i needed the extensions, but to make it spin i had to add them later. Maybe you can make it out of one part, see what fits you. The extension are also around 500mm. These are quite easy to fit on location with just 4 m3 bolt each. So with the extension on the diameter is around 2.00 meter.

The spokes are hold together with the base plate(middenschijf) by clamping force(m3 bolts). At the end of the spokes is where the bearing holder(kogellagerklem) goes. Also these are clamped down with m3 bolts. In the holder goes the 8mm bearing and i've used a threaded rod(m8) with on one side a double nut and on the other side a snap ring(OD 23.5mm, ID 20.5mm)to prevent it from slipping away. This ring fits in the 3d printed part. To clamp the bearing in place i've used a m4 bolt. Do not clamp this to hard or otherwise the plastic wil snap.

To make the triangles to spin i printed this u-joint, https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:991397 These are hold together with m4 bolts(in the photo i had m3 bolt). To make the place where the bamboo goes i also used 8mm aluminium rods. For the length of these it is best to measure in place. If i would do this again i would make my spokes a little bit smaller so the ujoint rods are under 500mm. Mine were a little bit longer. As the rods at the home depot were sold as 1.00m i can't get two out of these. To make the ujoint on the threaded- and aluminium rod i used hotglue.

i also included a holder to mount the fireworks on. you can wire it together with steel wire or cable ties. 


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.


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