FPV *Pod* Mount: for O3, Walksnail, anything, Max-FOV, no props, max protection, any quad, any cam!

Add DJI O3/naked/nebula to your quad with maximum protection, ND support, no props in view, antenna +GPS mounting, etc
updated February 13, 2025



Companion project to my other parametric configurable FPV designs: 

Protect your FPV camera with TPU in front of the lens for maximum protection but still with a clean image. How? I've modeled each camera's field-of-view (FOV) and built my design around that. My flexible on-demand design can mount in different positions (closer-in or props-hidden) with different RX antennae, GPS mount additions, and be configured for any camera tilt angle.


This is an ON-DEMAND design!

Only a few basic 10º versions are posted here, everything else is made for you (for free) on my 3D Design discord. You choose what options, I make you designs, you send me photos of your builds! See the Steps below.


New things:

  • I've made a new Instagram account for showcasing users' prints of my designs!
  • O4 Pro / Lite Pod design page now live!
  • Need an Antenna Mount? I've got a project for that too!
  • Thingiverse page is live! Go add a ❤  to save it for reference later!
    • post a make to show off your build and inspire others!
  • New: Now Supporting All the FPV Cameras
    New redesign now finally also supports other FPV cameras! Even analog cameras!
    • O4 Pro / standard / lite → see the special design page
    • Naked O3
    • Nebula Pro
    • DJI Air Unit camera
    • Runcam Phoenix
    • Walksnail Avatar HD Pro
    • Walksnail Moonlight
    • Others? Just ask in my Discord. May need you to take a few measurements!
  • Got vibration / jello / jittery video issues? I've got a whole section on this at the bottom!
  • New Lens Cap design! 2023-03 now there's a way to protect your whole camera and ND. See the files tab!


Just Follow the Steps!

  1. Pick your quad(s)

    What quad you got?? I've made a highly flexible, adaptive system, with over 80 different bases in my database, new ones every day. (Yes the photo above is from my Action2 design database.. it's what I'm pulling from to populate this new O3 Pod database!)

    So far I've added
    1. AOS standard (AOS 5, LR5, UL5, etc etc), AOS 3.5, AOS Falcon 7, 
    2. ImpulseRC: Apex, Micro Apex, Reverb
    3. iFlight: standard (XL5-Nazgul, SL5-Cidora, F5D-Evoque, etc), Chimera 6 + 7, Chimera4 DC, Nazgul F6 DC, Titan DC5
    4. TBS: Source-One: V1, V2, V3, V4, and V5
    5. Rotor Riot: Bubby Moxy, CL1, etc
    6. FPVCycle: Glide, Toothfairy 2
    7. GepRC: Mark-2, Mark 4, Crocodile Baby 4
    8. Heks Frames: Joocy
    9. Hyperlite: Floss3
    10. Lumenier: QAV-S JB, QAV-S Mini
    11. Rekon: 4 LR, R5, R6, R10
    12. Flywoo Explorer
    13. Ummagawd: Demibot
    14. Vanover: Vannystyle
    15. Quadmula Siren F5
    16. Quadmula Siren F3
    17. Falconrad: RAD Scout
    18. Ethix: Cinerat
    19. Emax: Babyhawk II HD
    20. Diatone: Roma F35
    21. Dave_C: MicroLongRange
    22. Banggood: Steele 5
    23. Banggood Strech X5 Freestyle 220mm
    24. Air blade: Transformer Mini 4in
    25. Five33 Spec 7, Switchback Pro (beta)
    27. .. more every day!

      Any quad is fair game, ping me on discord!

  2. Pick your uptilt angle(s)
    • Cinewhoops: 10-20º
    • Cinematic/Long Range: 20º
    • Freestyle: 25-30º
    • Racing: 40º+
  3. Wall size

    Flying a 3 or 4" and want it as lightweight as possible?
    1. Standard size: 2mm most places, 3mm around the lens. Usually ~6g
    2. Thin walls: 1.2 walls, 1.6 around lens. Usually ~4g.
    3. Ask about any variations you'd like.

  4. Forward Position

    How far forward do you want you camera? Do you want your props in view? How much?
  5. ND-Filter support
    1. None
      • Offers the most TPU protection!
    2. Wide
      1. Example: Freewell filters [amazon]
      2. Wide view, full FOV, no vignetting.
      3. Gives the most TPU protection but filters be less durable in extreme impacts.
    3. Tall
      1. Example: GepRC filters. Clip-in vertically to top and bottom
      2. Example: Flywoo filters. Clips on top only.
      3. Will have vignetting on the edges in wider modes. This is a flaw in the filter design.
      4. Less TPU protection, filters may be a little more durable for extreme impacts.
    4. Universal
      1. Supports both wide and tall NDs
      2. Offers the least camera protection. 
      3. Best combined with the thick option!
    5. Extra large
      1. Example: Sky-End filters [aliexpress]
      2. Extra bulky, still cause vignetting.

  6. Vibration Isolation
    1. Standard: None! The standard already eliminates many peoples' jello issues.
    2. Cut-out isolation style (on the right)
      • The best balance of vibration absorption, weight reduction, durability, and easy printing.
      • Only for longer forward offsets ~15mm or further forward.
    3. Vibration Isolated with mini suspension
      • Will be MORE susceptible to low-frequency oscillations from your tune/filters!
      • Most people get jello from tune oscillations! This won't help and often hurts.
      • See my “Vibration? Jello? Jitters?” section down below.
  7. Antenna Mounting
    Want to mount your RX antennas in front on the camera mount? There's three ways: 
    1. TBS Immortal-T
      • low-profile design, see photos below!
      • uses zip-ties (or twist-ties like I use!) to attach
    2. ELRS
      • Single T-style antenna (just like the larger TBS style)
      • Diversity style: one horizontal on the bottom + one vertical on the side next to the standoff. 
        • Placing an antenna on the side may not fit on all frames
    3. Leave a gap on the standoffs for an existing mount. Works great! 

  8. GPS Integrated Addition

    Works best with smaller GPSs and/or longer forward positions. 

    New fancy GPS options:
Walksnail WS-M181 [w/compass]M10caddx$1718x18x4.64.3g5
HGLRC M100 MINIM10hglrc$1615x15x5.22.6g5
Beitian BE220 M8N / BN-220M10amazon$1522x20x65.3g4
GOKU GM10 Mini V3M10flywoo$1818x18x4.64.5g4
BZGNSS BZ-181M10nbd$2018x18x84.6g4
GOKU GM10 Nano V3M10flywoo$1912x16x4.52.2g3
GOKU GM10 Pro V3 [w/compass]M10flywoo$2025x25x67.2g2
Matek M80-5883m8matekEOL20x20x107g2
TBS M8.2 GPSm8tbs$1420x22x65.2g2
iFlight M8Q-5883 V2.0m8iflight$4020x20x8.510g1

Yours not here? Send me the name/product page of yours and I'll add it!


      9. Request the STL

  • Join my discord to request your specific custom version!

    Everything is generated on-demand with the settings you ask for! Why?
    1. The STLs in the ‘files’ section are outdated. 
      • I can't possibly keep re-exporting, uploading, and organizing 80+ STLs after each tweak!
    2. They don't have the configuration you want. 
      • I can't possibly upload all the variations!
    3. User feedback is VITAL to making this project work. I need to hear from folks. 

      → So request it! I've set up my discord as a cool queue system. I'll get you your custom STL in less than 24h, usually right away.


      10. Print the Mount

  • Best printed as oriented in the STL!
    • with camera-angles past 15º it's best printed rotated to match the lens. This has the fewest overhangs and the best print quality results!
    • with low angles like 10-15º you can print it oriented with the flat back of the standoffs
  • Print with TPU filament, slowly
  • Use tree support if your slicer supports it. Standard otherwise. 
  • Use 2 or 3 perimeter walls for most setups.
  • Infill: Up to you. I use 40%. 

      11. Print the new Lens Cap design

  • Get it from the files section!
  • It fits the whole front end, even with NDs attached
  • Use a rigid material like PLA or PETG for best results
  • If using TPU then downsize a little, either by scaling 98% or using the next size down in the files.


That's it! Go fly!


But weight.. Is it heavier?



Again: BEWARE, what's uploaded here is OUTDATED

Seriously. I just can't keep reuploading and categorizing 60+ STLs. Tweaks are always happening based on feedback. Thicker base, more material here, less there, on and on. So:


Maximum Protection?

Yes. Frame designs have to accommodate every camera tilt and so can't add protection in the most important place: above and below the lens. And because FPV cams have super wide field-of-views (the O3 cam especially) they can't have much protection on the sides either. 

By printing a set-angle TPU mount you've got crash-absorbing TPU out in front of the lens. Right up to the very last possible point before being in view. Maximum FOV. Maximum protection. Works best on smaller/lighter quads, especially less than 400g.

Quads are MORE durable with big action cameras on top because of the impact absorption from their bomber fixed-angle bolt down mounts. Apply the same idea to your O3 camera and leave your $500 gopro behind!

(and if you want a super protective GoPro 11 mini/fullsized or Action2 or Naked GoPro mount anyway then check out my gp11 project or A2 project)




Want the Latest Version? Missing your Quad?

Message me! discord! The 60+ mount designs I've created before are updated after every tidbit of feedback I get and are all already out-of-date. Message me for the latest version!

New quads/variations for folks all the time. I may already have the one you need.

It's really zero trouble, I can export configurations on my phone and send them over instantly.


Vibration? Jello? Jitters?

Got jello or jitters in your video? It could be from a bunch of things! Many are easier to check than others:

  1. Check your build.
    1. Use a ‘Golden Nut’ in your stack! See this CR video.

      ^^ TLDW graphic for you.
    2. Make sure no wires are near your gyro
    3. Wind your electronics wires together and/or use kapton tape to bundle them
      • (electronics wires, not motor wires)
      • See my internals photo at the top of the page for example!
  2. Check your blackbox logs:
    1. Change betaflight settings to 2 or 1.6KH logging, set debug mode to GYRO_SCALED
    2. Fly a quick flight with:
      1. throttle ramp-up to full throttle, a few times at different speeds.
      2. a few full-stick flips on each axis, roll pitch and yaw.
      3. a few quick tricks like a juicy flick.
      4. land, disarm, download the log. 
    3. Open Betaflight Blackbox Explorer (download page)
      1. Check your motor outputs
      2. Check your spectral chart of your Gyro_Scaled pitch/roll/yaw data.
      3. See this primer on basic blackbox analysis if you need help
    4. See way more detail in this Oscar Liang article on the topic!
  3. Maybe you need my new vibration isolation design.. Ask me in the discord!

Hopefully now you've got smooth O3 video and your logs look more like this:

Way better!


Sharing & License & Stuff

The LAST thing I want to do is restrict anyone from sharing. But. PLEASE share links to this printables page, not the STLs. Here's why:

  1. This is under active development. The STLs WILL CHANGE and get better.
  2. The documentation is really important here, and I'm sure there's stuff I'll be adding as feedback comes in.
  3. The community is important, I want people to reach out and join the discord not download some STLs and go it alone.
  4. It's just a super dick move to repost designer's stuff. I've spent a long time making, testing, and documenting this and my only reward is that little stupid ‘like’ counter, download counter, and photos/stories from users. DON'T DEPRIVE ME OF MY ONE SENSE OF SELF WORTH

The actual license is Creative Commons (4.0 International License) Attribution—Noncommercial—Share Alike. If you'd like to print this commercially then reach out to me with a direct-message on discord and we can talk. Flying professionally using my designs is fine– though please do consider donating to support my work!


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
