Stanley Blade Letter Opener with Magnets

Wanted a magnetic letter opener that could fit standard stanley blades.
updated January 23, 2023



Loved the idea of a utility blade being inside the opener but only had the standard stanley blade. Redesigned it to take a more standard blade. Also added magnets cause why not?

Use Modify g-code in Cura to pause at layer 6 to add the blade. It is a TIGHT fit. Put glue stick or hairspray on the blade so your filament sticks to it. I added the magnets after the print was done but it might be possible to add them during the print. They are also a tight fit. The magnets are 6mmX1.5mm round.

I used PETG but PLA should work just as well.


Model origin

The user re-uploaded this model. The user is not the original author of the model.

Stanley Blade Remix for Letter Opener
by chess_1 (
Utility Blade Letter Opener
by Webby_1 (
