Easy print! The parts are already in good orientation and optimized to avoid cleaning after printing. No glue is needed.
This is the first version of this project, more updates will come, mainly to improve the ratio usefull_volume/total_volume.
** Printing parameters **
- Material: PLA
- Nozzle 0.4mm
- Layer height: 0.16mm
- Wall line count : 2 or 3
- Infill: 25%
- First layer speed : 15 mm/s
- Speed: 40 mm/s
** Required components for assembly **
- For normal magnetic feeling : x10 magnets D8mm x H1.70mm
- For strong magnetic feeling there is addtionnal slots for more magnets :
x18 magnets D8mm x H1.70mm
x2 magnets D6mm x H1.70mm
Used filament :
The assembly explanation video is coming soon. There is only one thing to take care about : put all the magnet in the same direction ;)
Thanks for your support.
For any questions or improvement remarks, don't hesitate to add them in the comments.
Cheers !!!
The author marked this model as their own original creation.