I wanted to print the original model on my Prusa MINI, but it wouldn't fit the smaller build plate even when rotated...so I edited the file by chopping off the corners so it would fit! You will still need to rotate the model to fit diagonally on the build plate, and depending on your printer size may need to omit using a skirt or brim.
I made the length for the block insert to be about 1mm longer as I was worried about tolerances and my block not fitting…this wound up being unnecessary though. Oh, I also stuck on some rubber feet on the bottom of the guide body to keep it in place while sharpening! Finally, a bit of olive oil on the rails helped the slider to move smoothly.
I printed this in PETG, most non-flexible materials should probably be fine. You will need to download one of the sliders from the original model to use this.
The author remixed this model.