This one is for vacuum cleaner hose with 31mm ish sized end.
I would print it with high infill.
The pits around the hose neck is for if you would like to drill them out to achieve a controlled leakage to save your vacuum cleaner.
I suggest that you use this thingie with 4mm soft pvc hose or 4mm YD filament bowden tube.
Hole taking the tube may need a little cleanup with a 4mm drill bit, run the powerdrill backwards to make a clean hole..
I use mine with 6 Litre ISTAD zip bags from IKEA
Printer Brand:
Ender 3
Adnorth PLA+ PLA
ISTAD zip bags from IKEA are kind of fragile compared to other reinforced vacuum bags.
I found out that some filament spools carrying sharp edges from the way they are made and might puncture your zip bag when the vacuum pulls it against the spool structure.I suggest that you put the spool in a open paper-bag or just wrap in some paper before you put it in the bag to protect the zip bag fro the sharp edges (And don't forget to also put a deficient bag in the zip bag) .
I use Cura, you your fav app ;)
How to use.
then close the inner zip-lock row, completely remove the hose and close the outer zip. 6. check for leaks by monitor the bag for the next few hours.
Category: 3D Printer AccessoriesThe author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.