An elegant stencil for dusting your favourite cappuccino, latte or hot chocolate.
It always tastes better with Bitcoin Cash!
Three versions have been made to suit the capability of your FDM printer. All are designed to be printed with a 0.4mm nozzle at a 0.2mm layer height and 100% infill.
BCH Stencil v4-2 Two Colour By Height.stl - a single stl which can include a colour change at 1.2mm to highlight the "Handle" text. Note this model doesn't include the "Bitcoin Cash Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash" text as it becomes too hard to clean.
BCH Stencil v4-1 - Two Colour MMU.3mf - a 3mf file which provides an MMU style two-colour print and a "flush" top layer finish.
BCH Stencil v4-1 - Two Colour MMU with clear coat.3mf - a 3mf file which is a 3-material print; two colours for the base and a clear coat to help remove some of the roughness from the text top-layer. This is the easiest of the three designs to clean.
Note: the clear coat can cause colour smears if your bed adhesion or retraction settings are not spot on.
BCH Stencil v4-1 - No Text.stl - a single “no-frills” stl with no clear-coat, and no-text.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.