Nozzle Case / Storage Box 20 nozzles

Organize your V6 nozzles - E3D or similar
3h 44m
3× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
35.00 g
updated January 14, 2023



My Specialized Nozzle Box 

I found this box on thingiverse, but unfortunately not here on printables.
I took the opportunity to adapt it to my needs.
This is my version for 20 nozzles for the special sizes - 015, 030, 035, 050 - sorted by size and condition.
The model definitely does not work with PLA, as the integrated "hinges" would break immediately. I tested it only with PETG and it works perfectly.
The inserts are removable and make it possible to separate new from used nozzles. The inserts have a short thread - max. 2 turns to prevent the nozzles from falling out. The threads are intended to be placed at the bottom. The print is upside down, because of the inserted rings.

Adjustments compared to the original (AIKz)
  • Logo on lid
  • Info text inside the lid - Size marking according to E3D
  • Short thread in inserts
  • design of the lid clip to hold the box closed neatly

The attached 3mf files contain all stl files and must be printed with MMU. The model parts are correctly positioned and have the colour assignments. These settings can of course be adjusted in PrusaSlicer.

The inserts 3mf containes both different inserts. All parts are placed, but one is set to not print. To print the different insert colours at once leads to too many tool changes, which is only a loss of time. I prefered to print only one at once. So do the gcodes for the inserts print only one, but with different colours, aka extruders (PrusaSlicer tongue)
If you work with another slicer software you probably have to compile the stl's yourself and make all adjustments like colour changes.

There is also a big (40 nozzles) Version for the special sizes here on printables

Here is the original text from AIKz on thingiverse in addition:

"I created this nozzle box to manage my different nozzle sizes and states. Each box contains two inserts that I printed in different colours to sort the nozzles into "new condition" and "used condition". I also use different boxes for different nozzle diameters.

The box is designed for standard M6 nozzles (e.g. E3D V6).
I recommend using PETG to extend the life of the integrated hinge. PLA, for example, is more brittle and breaks quickly."


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Nozzle Case / Storage Box
by AIKz (
