[REMIX] Drink can dispenser

Remix of an existing can holder model to make storage of NZ/AU 330ml cans fit a bit smoother.
10h 30m
3× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
109.00 g
updated January 13, 2023




The model that this remixes is a a really nice model but NZ/AU 330ml cans tend to slip as they are chamfered significantly at the top. Rather than alter the original model this model includes who additional pieces you can print to provide better support to the middle of the can.

This means  the holder will still work for existing cans and for future cans if the manufacturer decides to increase the chamfer at either end.


With this mod the cans will now happily roll along both ramps with a gravity assist when you remove a can. The problem is. If you remove a can abruptly and allow the next can to roll forward freely, the momentum of the moving cans will quicky result in the dispenser launching all remaining cans at you in rapid succession.

The print files below include the original bottom rail support and a new arrester version which should stop cans flying out.

Edit: I have printed the arrestor tooth for my printed non-arrestor version and it works perfectly to prevent “death by flying cans”.


  • Print the pieces from the original model. (If you have not already done so.)
  • Print the additional pieces from this remix.
  • Dismantle your existing can holder (If necessary).
  • Slip the new pieces into place as shown in the rendered image below.

    New pieces shown in gold (non-arrester version).

    New pieces shown in gold and red (arrester version).
  • Reassemble the can holder.
  • Adjust the new pieces so they are centered between the frames.
  • Use a drop or two of super glue to fix them in place (The top support especially).


Licensed as per the original model.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.


Highlighted models from creator

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