If you got small kids this is a necessary print.
3x key is awesome, really adds additional rotation for the blades.
Super Ergänzung für den Copter. Unbedingt nutzen. Passt problemlos (Prusa MK3S+).
Thanks, came out great. Prusament PETG - Ultramarine Blue 100% infill, 0.15mm quality on a Mini+.
I cannot print it, the file is not an stl file and i do not know how to change it.
File is STL. I print it and works Ok for me. Try other slicer - i print it on Prusa printer with prusaslicer...
Printed perfectly. I used the longer key with the copter print, and the flyer went up about ten meters (it landed on the roof, so I have that as my frame of reference).
Looks great! Haven't tried it yet. Waiting for filament. :-)
great toy! prints perfectly!
I added some vaseline to the gears and everything is much smoother when pulling out.