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Penguin Articulated - smaller size remix

Penguin with moveable wings and feet. Beak can be pressed. Inspired by the dancing penguin emoji from microsoft teams.
updated December 31, 2022



Penguin with moveable wings and feet. Beak can be pressed. Inspired by the dancing penguin emoji from Microsoft teams. See here for more information.

  • There is space for adding two 1ct coins, so the penguin can balance on one foot. 
  • A spring with 5-6mm diameter and 2-3mm height is needed if you want to be able to press the beak. You can easily cut a spring with pliers, if it's longer than 3mm.
    Alternatively, you can print the beak_withoutSpring to get a fixed beak.
  • Warning: Tolerances are tight, so your printer needs to be tuned well.

Work in progress. I'd love to hear your feedback on the model!

Assembly instructions:

Push the white bottom part into black bottom part. It needs to click in 3 spots to be aligned right. Make sure the black part is the right one! It needs to have a cutout for the coins.
You will need some force, but the benefit is that it will hold together well.

Place one coin, one foot and one arm as shown in the picture.

Place the other coin, other foot and wing.

Step4: Push the upper white part into the upper black part. Again, you will need some force.

Step5: Put the beak and eyes where they belong.

Step6: Put the spring in the cutout of the beak or glue the beak to the white part.

Step7: To make assembly easier you can put tape on the front of the penguin to hold the eyes and the beak in place.

Last Step: Push together the two halves of the penguin. It is a tight fit but that way it should close perfectly.

Finished: If you want to, you can attach the hat now. In the future there may be a version where the hat attaches via magnets.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
