Hemera Revo XS Duct for 5015 Blower

Modified duct to use a 5015 blower fan instead of a 4010.
updated December 31, 2022



Modified duct to use a 5015 blower fan instead of a 4010.

I made two versions, one with 3mm holes to direct thread M4 and another with 4.9mm holes for M4 heat set inserts.

Print with flat part of duct on bed, no supports needed.

12/30/2022 Version 2 (V2): I printed one out and tried it, made some minor changes.

  1. The bolt holes to mount to the motor were 1.5mm too far apart, fixed it to 23mm and removed the countersinks for added strength.
  2. Enlarged the insert holes to 4.9mm.
  3. Added notch to fan area to account for the clip that holds the fan together.
  4. Added large chamfers to eliminate need for supports.

12/31/22 Version 3 (V3): Printed in black PETG. Fits great, minor tweaks done from V2. Use M3x6 screws to mount it to the motor.



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