This is the latest iteration of my raspberry pi rack mounts. It fits nicely into 19inch racks.
The triple mount has no active cooling, but enables you to easily pull out the Pis now and then to replace SD cards, reboot the Pis or whatever is needed. Also, I personally use the OLED display enabled cages to show a short, paginated status of my Pis.
All required screws are just a pair of M3x8 to mount the cage into the rack and M2.5 to mount the Pi. In case you'd like to use the OLED display, please keep in mind to add 4 M2x8 or x10s to your BOM too!
For the display users, I recommend the following: $> curl -sSL | bash
Check out my GitHub repository:
My repo is fully open source, so feel free to fork and adapt to your needs. Currently, it features a couple pages about Hostname / IP, CPU / MEM usage, DISK and TEMP.
As it's a git repo, updating is as simple as running a git pull
Hope you like the design! Cheers.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.