nxp200 O3 SwitchBlock

Modular mounting and dismounting of the DJI O3 Air Unit so you can easily move it from quad to quad
updated January 31, 2023



This is the nxp200 O3 SwitchBlock. It was designed to allow modular mounting and dismounting of the DJI O3 Air Unit on multiple quads.

Watch the video for more details:


There is a “blank” BaseBlock that is provided with no mounting holes for remixing to fit on other quad designs. Use the other provided BaseBlocks (for GEPRC MK4, TCMMRC UR26 and MicroApex3) as a guide on how the mounting holes can be incorporated.

Recommended print details:

SwitchBlock and BaseBlock

  • Filament: TPU 
  • Layer Height: 0.2mm or 0.3mm
  • Supports: off 
  • Brim: off 
  • Print bed: any smooth non-textured

Camera Angle Plates

Print two of each one that you need - one for left and one for right side

  • Filament: PLA, PETG, ABS, or any other non-flexible filament
  • Layer Height: 0.2mm
  • Supports: off
  • Brim: off
  • Print bed: any smooth non-textured

For multi-coloured layers to allow easy identification of “notches”, use change filament method. With 0.2mm layer height setting, change the colour/filament at 3rd layer from the bottom and 3rd layer from the top (ie, bottom two and top two layers different colour/filament). See example sliced image.

Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.


Highlighted models from creator

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