Building upon Snazzy Labs, I made this Touch ID Box managing to maintain the keystroke of the button and having it entirely removable (no plastic melting). And I removed the slight angle because I want it flat next to my Mac Studio.
A few notes :
- Print the box upright
- Lightning port :
- Cut the metal part in front of the holes and enlarge the plastic to 2mm with a metal drill bit.
- Use M2x5mm screws + bolts. A little finicky but doable.
- Pre-drill the fixing holes using a small screw before fixing anything. I had some 1.8mm screws lying around from laptop teardowns.
- Alternatively you can reuse the screws from the keyboard itself.
- Gently remove and stick the little square of black foam form the keyboard's chassis to the back of the button. It will help a little by acting like a spring.
That's pretty much it.
Printed mine with a glow in the dark filament =]
Thanks Snazzy Labs !
The author remixed this model.