back support for motherboard bracket for Ghostbusters q-pack by kiou

Back support for bracket_01-stl / bracket_02.stl / bracket_03.stl on motherboard for Ghostbusters Proton Pack q-pack
1h 8m
3× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
14.00 g
updated December 25, 2022



Thanks to kiou for the wonderful work and for his great passion for Ghostbuster !

On model the "bracket_01.stl" piece is attached to the motherboard  and to the "gun_mount_box.stl" piece from which the Wand is then hung.

It is very difficult, if not impossible, to tighten the bolts  on the back due to the limited space.

But considering that it has to support the weight of the Wand it is very important that this tightening is stable and strong.

We have posted the problem in various Forums and many have given us various helpful suggestions.

Giordano Corazón Amidani suggested using a metal back plate with threaded holes. 

Starting from this idea we have developed this simple plate to be printed in 3D to be glued on the back so that it is possible to tighten the two M3 bolts with force. (or other diameter)
Update 12-24-2022
But once we verified that the system works, we decided to extend it to the other brackets as well.

We have designed holders for the "bracket_01.stl" and "bracket_03.stl" which, in theory, need no glue to stay in place. (Obviously using glue is always possible.)

They are the same orthogonal bolts that self-lock with each other. And this whether you decide to fix the bracket first to the motherboard and then to the proton pack or vice versa.

You need M6x24-30 bolts, the M6x20 are too short to secure the mount, they don't come out far enough.
The purpose of these supports is to hold the nut until the bolt is driven in, after which the bolt will pull the nut after it.

 The code is very easy to understand even for those unfamiliar with OpenSCAD and we have placed all the variables in the Customizer so that it is possible to adapt this object to other uses as well.
 Excuse the variable names in Italian, but the comments should be clear

 For those who don't know OpenSCAD and don't want to learn it, just download the program from, open this file, modify the variables in the "Customizer" window, type F5 for a first preview, F6 for the Render and finally F7 to generate the .STL file

 The default values are the ones we used and we guarantee they are accurate: see photo.

support_01: We pressed the dice into the plate with pliers, maybe a drop of glue on the side could be useful but not necessary.
    We glued the plate to the back of the bracket and inserted the bolts to prevent the glue from filling the holes.
    We clamped and turned the bolts several times during the waiting time to prevent them from sticking as well.    

Marta and her family



Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
