Your Favorite Movie Scene Ornament

This is an ornament featuring a scene from your favorite Christmas movie. For me this is obviously Die Hard.
updated December 18, 2022



This ornament is made to feature your favorite scene from your favorite Christmas movie.  The frame is formatted to fit the default screen size when you google your favorite movie.  The print itself will require eight 5mm x 2mm round magnets (found easily on amazon).  Use the pause at height function to insert the magnets into the ornament and the frame (make sure they face the correct direction).  You can also use the change filament function to put and outline on the snowflake and text on the frame.  Included are stl's for the Die Hard frame with text and a plain frame so you can make one of your own for your favorite Christmas movie.  No special setup for this one.  Just pause at height and color change.  Everything else is default settings.  Once you get it printed just google image search the scene you want, hit print, and cut it out, then celebrate.

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
