Willrow Hood Cosplay "Ice Cream Maker" from Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back

Save the Ice Cream! Have you ever heard the tale of Willrow Hood, hero of the rebellion?
updated January 4, 2022



Save the Ice Cream!
Have you ever heard the tale of Willrow Hood, hero of the rebellion?

More info below, but essentially he was in Star Wars Ep V (Empire Strikes Back) for about 2 seconds and was seen carrying what appeared to be an ice cream maker (ICM). In preparation for Star Wars Celebration 2019, I decided to make my own instead of buying an ICM and tearing the motor out or worse yet, leaving it in (would be really heavy to carry around). First, you'll need a 2 gallon bucket (I got one from Home Depot for a few bucks), some M5 screws and some M5 knurled brass threaded inserts (use a soldering iron to install in plastic).
I also included a strap mount so I didn't have to carry the ICM around all day and could just let it hang on my shoulder, which was a bonus since I had a bunch of stuff in the ICM that I collected during Celebration.
Lastly, there are a couple of other pieces to wrap up the costume, a comm pad (I used velcro to attach it to my suit) and code cylinders (you'll need 3x).

The files included are:
1a) ice_cream_maker_top.stl: this is the main top section
1b) ice_cream_maker_top (no text).stl: the main top section, but without the "willrow hood" text
2a) ice_cream_maker_bottom_with_standoff.stl: bottom with rebel logo, for a bucket that has a lip and a ring in the center
2b) ice_cream_maker_bottom.stl: bottom with rebel logo (no standoff)
2c) ice_cream_maker_bottom_standoff.stl: just the standoff for the bottom, can print separately from rebel logo if desired/needed
3) ice_cream_maker_strap_mount.stl: this is to mount the ICM with a strap
4) comms.stl: comm pad to mount on left forearm/wrist
5) code_cylinder.stl: need 3x of these to put on left shoulder

Also, you'll need:
1x 2 gal bucket with lid
15x M5 screws, 6-10mm long
15x M5 knurled inserts like these
1x luggage strap, orange preferred, like this
1x orange flight suit

For more info on Willrow Hood, check out this video and take a look at the reference image and Running of the Hoods video from Star Wars Celebration 2019 which I unfortunately missed that day.

from wookieepedia:
Willrow Hood was a human male who was present aboard the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Harbinger when it was hijacked by the Rebel Alliance in the year 0 ABY. For fear that the overloaded reactor might explode, the admiral in command of the Harbinger ordered the passengers and crew to abandon ship before the Rebels set foot aboard it. Along with stormtroopers and technicians, Hood rushed to a hangar for evacuation.

In 3 ABY, Hood was on Cloud City, in the atmosphere of Bespin, when the Galactic Empire took up occupation of it. As Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian informed the platform's citizens of the takeover, causing many to attempt to flee, Hood ran through the city's corridors and passed by Calrissian and his Rebel allies Princess Leia Organa, Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2 as they made their own escape.

During the Imperial blockade of the Anoat sector in 4 ABY, however, Hood was still on Cloud City. Months into the blockade, he was occasionally seen at the Paradise Atrium, an upper-class lounge owned by Voras the Hutt, leader of the criminal Ivax Syndicate.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
