These thing makes the "eggbot redrawn" ready to clamp beer glasses for engraving them.
I also changed the engraver mount of original “eggbot redrawn”, because I guess, there should be more possibility to swing. For the same reason, there is a washer on my mounting screw. That puts more power on the vibration.
For the glass mount I used rubber tube of a car windscreen washer with a diameter of 6.5 mm. I recommend to clean the glass with alcohol before clamping to prevent twisting.
Here you can see the eggbot in action:
This was designed a view years ago. Unfortunately, I own no “eggbot redrawn” any more, because now I have a K40 laser.
And here is the result:
Added a lightwight version of the pen arm for drawing on eggs. I noted, that the pen arm used for engraving is too heavy for fast movements. With this pen arm you can draw on eggs with the maximum speed.
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.