This E3D Buggy tie bar is designed for standard-width ties and features both the E3D logo and the buggy itself. The examples shown here were printed with three filament swaps to distinguish between the tie bar base structure, the E3D logo and buggy background panel, the buggy, and a buggy highlight color.
A .PNG of the E3D logo was downloaded from the web and converted to a .SVG file using Inkscape. The tie bar was designed in Fusion 360, bringing in the .SVG file to extrude the logo. The result was exported as a .STL file into MeshMixer where it was combined with a cut of the buggy, sliced vertically at the center of the steering wheel. Some minor modifications were also made to the buggy: the wheels were extended into full round tires, and the front and rear windows were closed to avoid support issues when printing.
Printer Brand:
Ender 5
Yes, normal
0.2 mm
Filament Types:
eSun; Amolen; Hatchbox; Ender
The author remixed this model.