Mini Afterburner X1C Cowling

Mini Afterburner cowling for the Bambu Lab X1C Hotend
updated December 16, 2022



EDIT: I uncovered another issue as I was assembling and testing my v0.1. Apologies to the person or persons that downloaded this (only 2 downloads at the time), but I failed to make clearance for the BHCS on the carriage. This intereference casued the cowling to sit at a slight angle. The problem should be corrected now. I put it on my printer and it seems to fit fine.  

Mini Afterburner cowling for the Bambu Lab X1C Hotend to use with the Voron v0.1. Requires a ball end driver to assemble. I've made a couple of changes since doing the renders and taking pictures. I removed most of the interference for the PTFE tube to make assembly easier. Discovered this was an issue while assembling. The hotend fan and the right cooling fan (looking at the back of the mini afterburner) can be installed before the hotend. The left fan needs to be installed after the hotend. The original hardware provided witht he X1 hotend should be used for mounting. There are two options, one has the cowling with the original width, the second has 0.7mm added to the left and right side to provide additional material around the fans. I found this much easier to print with the 0.6mm nozzle that I use for almost everything. 
Another change made from the original Mini Afterburner are the cooling ducts. I directed the airflow to be more on the part and nozzle interface and less on the nozzle like the original. Be advised that I am far too lazy to do any sort of simulation or analysis of whether or not this provides any sort of real benefit. I reserve that sort of effort for my paying job. I also re-modeled the surfaces of the ducts because I've noticed that, while they do great work for the community, surface modeling is not a strong suite of the Voron design team. 


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
