I recently upgraded the main board in my Ender 2 Pro to a TH3D EZBoard V2 and purchased an EZOut filament sensor to go with it. When deciding on how I was going to mount the unit to my printer I couldn't find any models that had all the criterions I was searching for…so I decided to make my own. This model is rather simple and requires minimal amounts of filament to make.
The model also requires the screws on the Z-axis lead screw to be unfastened. I had trouble with getting it back together and nearly lost the lock washers that hold the brass mount that holds the X-axis gantry…I am fairly certain these are important and may not be replaceable with standard washers if lost….although I would go with standard washers if I lost mine.
Additionally, two (#2) M3X20 bolts and two (#2) M3 nuts will be required for this installation. This holds the rear bracket to the front mounting bracket of the model that mounts to the printer.
In the future I will most likely make some changes to the model to add a filament guide and mountable filament cleaner.
This model should also work for Ender 3 series printers that have a similar bowden setup and extruder position.
Print settings used
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.