Puzzle Cube (Maker's Muse)

A fun and challenging 3D Printable puzzle - also makes a great desk fidget toy!
updated December 5, 2022



Maker's Muse Puzzle Cube


WARNING: Plastic can cause injuries. Please take care and don't apply excessive force when assembling the puzzle. The movement will free up over time. 


 Two clearance versions available to suit your 3D Printer's accuracy. If unsure print the 0.3mm version. Using a small amount of sandpaper on any bumps or imperfections is recommended to ensure the puzzle can actually be assembled after printing. PLA recommended for dimensional stability. Printable without support however turning them on is recommended to support some small areas of steep overhang.

Share your results with the maker Angus on twitter @makersmuse!

Support Angus Deveson and his 3D printing mission by subsribing to his channel and getting his fun projects on https://makersmuse.gumroad.com/l/YLFCX


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