Enlarged version of the new 12V Buck Converter holder (black PSU) for Prusa Box with relay holder

This is the circa-2022 version of Prusa Box buck converter case modified to hold a relay board based on @wilsondg
updated December 4, 2022



After printing the original version of the buck converter holder with WAGO connectors, I've realized it does not really work with the black PSU, since PSU wires block most of the connectors. Luckily, Printer Box folks seem to have remixed that into their own version that does work with the black PSU a bit better. This remix makes the lid a bit taller and adds rails to hold a relay board.

NOTE: You can do “Split to parts” on the lid to see the individual parts of the relay holder. You can remove the inner part to make space for a larger relay or remove both parts to get a tall lid without the holder.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
