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Christmas Door Trim Corner 64 - Snowman and Ice skates and Christmas Tree (Christmas ornament)

Print it. Hang it on the door, or window frame, or TV. Enjoy! Ho ho ho!
updated February 13, 2024




4mm thick to ensure stability

The model will fit on Prusa Mini+ (180x180)
Feel free to size it up or down as you wish
I strongly suggest sizing it up to fit your entire heat bed as it gives the best result

The best quality is achieved if printed face down

Print: 0.2mm
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Support: Not needed
Brim: Not needed
Infill: Not needed, but I'd suggest going with 15% to ensure sturdiness

A tip: If you want to get this print easily off your heat bed, place the heat bed with the printed model in the freezer for 10 to 30 mins. Take it out, and it should pop off quite easily without any breaks/cracks, as shown on the photo below :)


Happy Printing!


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
