There are three parts to this model.
- Box base with towers marked with ring size. There is .2mm clearance at the tower base to the side of the ring size inside diameter (ID) or .4mm total clearance at the tower base to the ring ID.
- Rings in whole International Sizes for trying on to determine size. Each ring is 5mm tall and 1mm thick and is marked with the size number as well as the ID in mm.
- Box Lid which fits over a lip on the base upstanding wall complete with finger groves to improve removability and marked “Interntational Ring Sizer”.
** Please note: If you chose to slice your own model from the .stl file the rings are sitting up above the platen in space as they would in the box and need to be lowered to the platen before slicing/printing.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.