Assemble instructions at The Bakery This design was a wish from my son and is designed according to his instructions.
updated May 25, 2020



Assemble instructions at The Bakery

This design was a wish from my son and is designed according to his instructions. It is intended as a bakery for a Sylvanian families town but can just as well be any other house. Right now only one version of walls, door and window is included but there will be more versions in the future, so that it's possible for kids to change the walls and build their own model of the house.

Everything except the window frame can be assembled without using any glue. It's possible to add a plastic sheet between the frames as glass in the window. Use a piece of filament to hold the door in place, there is a hole in the door frame which the filament can be slid through down into the door hinge.

All items in the pictures are (or will be) available at my Thingiverse profile or here at PRUSA prints.

2020-06-29: Missed awning file added

Print instructions

Door frame and awning needs support, please see The Bakery for more orientation and support information.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


Highlighted models from creator

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