The new OpenRC Tractor is finally here!!
It's been almost two years since I started working on this new MK3 TEA20 project.
Now, after hundreds of hours of design, test, print, redesign… it’s finally here and all the hard work has paid off! I think it turned out great and I’m very excited to see if you like it!
It has been completely designed from scratch and has many improvements over previous versions:
My plan is to continue working on this project. I think it has endless possibilities. Sometimes, it’s difficult to find free time for this, but even if sometimes slows down, the OpenRC Tractor never stops!
I have several tools and addons for my tractors and will update materials and upload them to printables progressively, stay tunned!
Check these resources to help you with your tractor build and don’t forget to click “like” and share makes of your tractor.
16-12-2022: Added part 9tight for tight fit (perfect with my prusa)
07-06-2023: Added connection instructions picture
29-05-2024: Added a loose 38 part with more room for the servo arm.
06-02-2025: Added part 28 v2 (28-OpenRC Tractor- rear center arm support V2_x2) with improved geometry for rear arm attachments.
Special thanks to my friend Nicolas for all the support and help!
If you like my tractor, please click "like", and post a make. This will help me to win some prusameters to keep printing!
You can also support my work with a coffee or a tip!
Thank you!!!
The author marked this model as their own original creation.