Remix of this great mount by clearchris. Mostly just customized the holes and made a simple backet for my BLtouch v3. Heigh is not adjustable but should be set correctly from the mount already. Still a work in progress since i'm not in love with how I used m3 nuts as spacers for the mount to the body (was originally clearance for the fan screw but I guess not needed anymore. I'll remix it later.
Remixed from: MPSM Blower and Hotend Fan Shroud with Mount for Proximity Sensor by clearchris - Thingiverse
Support are just for two of the mounting holes in the middle where the hotend fan mounts. If you're using the stock 3010 fan then it shouldn't even matter if those holes are messed up sine you wont be using them.
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.