Wooden Roadway compatible with BigJigs railroad - Dřevěná autodráha k BigJigs vláčkodráze

Pieces to extend the wooden roadway. Pár kousků k rozšíření dřevěné autodráhy
updated December 6, 2022



I was inspired by @PrintAtrain (I took only Brio road measures from him) to move the project of BeamBridge forward and implement smooth curves and roadways. It turned out to be a bigger quest and thus a completely new working code was made. Thus now its two different OpenSCAD generators, each with somewhat unique features. BeamBridge is incapable of curves and will stay that way frozen at some point - when all its capabilities are ported to the new code. The new project has working name of ultimate Bridge, but that has the same uB short as ultimate Beam I made for lego/bitbeam. 

Wooden roadways are far bigger mess than railways as there are proly not two 100% compatible vendors. But we have BigJigs at home including a few buildings, so the first fit is there. Brio is a bit wider outside with nearly same inside riding space and a few vendors seem to be similar. If you need something else, please let me know, maybe we can make it happen.

So this is a preview of new possibilities, scripts are still very buggy and hard to setup. Connectors are not the best fit for BigJigs because I use the allfitting connector from railway to keep compatibility with Brio and Thomas.  I can proly make choice of BJ only pieces - let me know.

                                                       Feedback welcome!


  • Roads, currently generated are BigJigs width, let me know If you fancy Brio size too. Proly non of these are exact copies of existing  stuff - go buy the wood originals!
  • Road curves of more possible degrees than standard 90: 30 and 45. I dont see a point making other, but feel free to tell me.
  • Road crossings and junctions, from standard to weird, just see for yourselves
  • Crossigs between roads and railways
  • Rail and road slopes for segmented building
  • Widthshifters for Thomas/FisherPrice wooden road way
  • Widthshifters for Brio roadway
  • LegoBeam and Seva connectable bridge holding parts




Model origin

The author remixed this model.
