Hidden fan remote holder

A small holder for the remote for my fan, that can be stuck somewhere out of the way, such as the underside of a desk.
In the contest Remote Holders
updated November 10, 2022



This is a print in place model designed to hold the remote control for my Woozoo fan. I designed it to be small and out of the way, and could be attached anywhere. I currently have mine stuck to the underside of my desk.

The remote is roughly 76x40x7mm but the holder should be able to be scaled to the dimensions you need right in the slicer

I've tested printing one at about 150% width as well as one at 120% width + 150% height and they both turned out ok, but your milage may vary. 

It probably won't handle extreme scaling too well (and the lever/paddle would be huge).

Printed in PLA at 15% infill.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
