Using my fully 3D-printed tank tread design, I expanded out into a full chassis that I could build a robot with.
updated November 10, 2022



This is a full robot/rc chassis design I've whipped up based off my original track tread model from several years ago. It's designed to be primarily 3D-printed with minimal additional hardware required. 

My design has an L298N motor driver and an RC battery going on the bottom section, with the upper platform having locations to mount either an Arduino Uno or a Raspbery Pi Zero for control. I may continue to iterate on this design as I have time. 

All of these parts have printed nicely on a Lulzbot Mini printer, and so should fit nicely on most printers out there. 

I do not currently have nice documentation for the electrical connections or code available- I may upload these if I have time to clean up my notes.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
