Wall Plug Stuck!! (dummy)
“Too Hard To Plug It Off!”
Turn the pain point into the design.
If it was hard to plug off, let it be your knob! Just fixed it to your cabinet.
We designed it in 3 different ways
1. "iPhone charger stuck in plug hole!"
2. "Andriod charger stuck in plug hole!"
3. Creativity!! "Only Plug for stuck your own adapter style!"
(** Use your plug or your charger lock with an M3 nut)
** Add more fun with your charging cable
Material: PLA
Total weight: 38-54g
Total printing time: 3-4hrs
Model Files
gcode (PLA):
- DIY_OnlyPlug_0.2mm_PLA_MINI_3h1m
- IphoneKnob_0.2mm_PLA_MINI_4h8m
- AndroidKnob_0.2mm_PLA_MINI_4h22m
STL: (Separation Part of Models)
- DIYKnob_OnlyIphone
- DIYKnob_OnlyAndroid
- DIYKnob_Onlyplug
Other parts needed
- Screw M4 (wall screw)
- Screw M3x16-20mm (DIY Part)
- Your own plugs/cables/chargers (DIY Part)
Enjoy! :D
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.