BK Thumbstick Alpha

Like the original creator of this idea... I was tired of the lack of an analog stick for movement on my Razer…
updated November 4, 2022



Like the original creator of this idea... I was tired of the lack of an analog stick for movement on my Razer Blackwidow V3 mini. unfortunately, I was not able to easily find the joystick used in the original design, so I redesigned mine to use the common PS2 joysticks found on amazon like this one (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077Z8QN3S?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details) While I was at it, I decided to design the base so it fits flush against my keyboard and using double stick tape of your choice can be easily removed from the keyboard by using the mount I designed for the Black Widow V3's. I also decided to build in the Arduino pro Micro board to allow for the smallest possible package and most simplistic wiring.

The lid has two holes for additional buttons to be wired and programmed. The small button above the USB port is wired to be a board reset button to allow quick resetting of the Arduino without unplugging it from USB. The secondary button I have programmed as the Windows Key since I use gaming mode on my Keyboard which disables that button on the keyboard. The buttons are housed within lid using a mount I designed to sit atop the wiring for the joystick and allow the buttons to stay in place via friction. The buttons used in this project are similar to these: https://www.amazon.com/Hilitchi-200-Pcs-Tactile-Momentary-Assortment/dp/B071KX71SV/ref=sr_1_5?crid=4AD16CPNQAR7&keywords=6mm+buttons&qid=1647802957&sprefix=6mm+buttons%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-5. The thumbstick is programmed to WASD with the stick click programmed to spacebar. The code I have written for the arduino is still a work in progress, so you may use any code you would like to run the Arduino, but if you would like to use mine, please reach out to me directly.

This product is for the tinkering enthusiast who wants a minimal footprint of their gaming setup and have a joystick for WASD movement. It does require some knowledge of using, programming, and flashing Arduinos... As well as require soldering and general assembly skills. At this point, I am not providing the wiring guide as there are many ways to wire this and achieve similar results. If there is enough interest, I will update the tutorial on all of the steps necessary to build the exact version I have built for myself. For any other question, please feel free to reach out, or leave a comment.

Print Settings

Printer Brand:



Ender 3









Filament: Jarees PETG Matte Black


Support is only required for the base of the model. Both the base and the lid can benefit from supports, but if you are dialed in, you may not require them at all.

How I Designed This ===================

I first downloaded the base from user B4114M's build. I then sliced the bottom of the base to match the angle of my keyboard (36 degrees). After slicing, I used fusion 360 to cut holes in the base to allow fitting the Arduino Pro Micro as well as the necessary wiring. I then, downloaded this Arduino case (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4764638) and modified it using Blender and Fusion 360, then integrated it into the design of the base. After the base was designed, I redesigned the lid as B4114M's would not work with my thumbsticks. I also redesigned the lid retention system as the clips from B4114M's design kept breaking when running test prints in PLA due to print direction. I then made a removable mount for my keyboard to allow my to attach and remove the joystick without glue or tape.

Category: Video Games


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.
