Knob designed based on research that won the 2022 Ig nobel prize

This knob is designed to fit fingers in a comfortable position
14× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
6.00 g
In the contest Cabinet Knobs
updated November 4, 2022



Update 11/5/2022

Added "round three fingers", "round four fingers", and "round five fingers". These are not parametric, but they are now easier to grip and less slippery, so I consider these models to be the final form.
「round three fingers」、「round four fingers」、「round five fingers」を追加しました。これらはパラメトリックではありませんが、つまみやすく滑りにくいものになったのでこれらのモデルを最終形とします。

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Update 11/4/2022

I have created a model with arrows indicating the area to be fingered. This model is not parametric. I printed it in two colors because the arrows are not clearly visible when printed in a single color. 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Update 2022/11/3

Added a connecter to allow the self-tapping version of the knob to be mounted in a floating position; use it by inserting an M3 nut. This connecter can be printed without support. The following parameters have been added accordingly.

  • connecter_wall_thickness: Distance from the corner of the connecter to the corner of the nut コネクターの角からナットの角までの距離
  • connecter_fix_thickness: Distance from the hex face of the connecter to the nut face コネクターの六角の面からナットの面までの距離
  • connecter_height: total height of the connecter コネクターのトータルの高さ

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Update 11/2/2022

Added a type that extends outward so that the area touched by the finger becomes the specified diameter. In the case of three fingers, this type seems to fit the fingers better.

  • extend_angle: Angle at which to extend outward 外側に広げる際の角度

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Update 11/1/2022

Added a reversible version that can be used for both right- and left-hand use. The following parameters were added accordingly.

  • screw_head_diamater: Diameter of the space to contain the screw head
  • screw_head_height: Height of the space to contain the screw head
  • screw_head_diamater: ネジ頭を収納する空間の直径
  • screw_head_height: ネジ頭を収納する空間の高さ

I added the image of Figure 7, as it may be needed when editing in Fusion360.


The 2022 Ig Nobel Prize in Engineering was awarded to Professor Gen Matsuzaki of the Faculty of Creative Engineering at the Chiba Institute of Technology. His 1999 research investigated how many fingers are used when turning a cylindrical handle or knob with one hand. Prof. Matsuzaki says that his research results are useful for the design of handles and knobs, so I put them into practice.

The link to the PDF of the paper can be followed at the following URL. The paper is written in Japanese.

From Figure 6 of the paper, we can see that most people use three fingers when the diameter of the cylinder is about 15 mm and most people use four fingers when the diameter of the cylinder is about 30 mm, so I made knobs in those sizes. There is a gradual transition between four and five fingers, with no clear switching point. 15mm and 30mm were created, so I created 60mm, which is twice the size of 30mm.

I calculated the position of each finger from Figure 7 in the paper and made a hollow there. This diagram is included in the attached Fusion360 archive file and can be used as a guide when changing the diameter of the knob.

About the parameters

The number at the end of the parameter name indicates the number of fingers.

  • knob_thickness: Knob thickness
  • knob_chamfer: Chamfer around the outer edge of the knob
  • connection_length: Length from the nut to the board to be connected
  • knob_diameter_x: Diameter of the knob
  • hollow_diameter_x: Diameter of the hollow except for the thumb
  • first_hollow_diameter_x: Diameter of the hollow of the thumb
  • hollow_fillet_x: Length to round both ends of hollow
  • hole_depth: Depth of screw hole
  • knob_thickness: ノブの厚み
  • knob_chamfer: ノブ外周の面取り
  • connection_length: ナットから接続する板までの長さ
  • knob_diameter_x: ノブの直径
  • hollow_diameter_x: 親指以外のくぼみの直径
  • first_hollow_diameter_x: 親指のくぼみの直径
  • hollow_fillet_x: くぼみ両端を丸める長さ
  • hole_depth: ネジ穴の深さ

How to fix the knob

Remove the support and insert an M3 nut into it. The knob can be fixed with M3 screws.
The problem with this model is that it is difficult to remove the support. I had to pry the scarpel knife into the support a little at a time to remove it. Be careful not to injure yourself.

 It was difficult to remove the supports, so I made a self-tapping version.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
