TronXY X5SA Pro V6 Volcano direct drive

For converting stock bowden setup to direct drive with Volcano V6 hotend and 5015 cooling fan
updated October 26, 2022



Using idea from Martin_au I made direct drive conversion kit to convert stock Tronxy X5SA Pro to direct drive with Volcano V6 hotend, reusing Titan extruder that came with the printer and smaller “pancake” nema 17 motor.

Cooling duct is very basic, with a lot of room for improvement, but does the job. Made to be used with 5015 fan.

Has mounting points for ADXL345 sensor


I printed the parts with ASA


What you will need (with links for what I used):

  • Pancake Nema 17 motor (link)
  • V6 Volcano hotend (link - get coated version for higher temperatures and better abrasion resistance. Not available when posting.)
  • 5015 part cooling fan (link)
  • 6x M3X10
  • 2x M3X15 + safety nuts or standard nuts with loctite
  • 2x M4X25 + nuts
  • 1x M3X18 + washer
  • 11x M3 threaded inserts - 4mm long (link)


What will be reused from stock printer:

  • Titan extruder
  • ABL/Z probe and screws
  • X endstop switch and screws


How to install:

  • Insert threaded inserts in holes marked in pictures


  • Remove stock parts
  • Install Carriage using 2x M3X10 screws to old hotend fixating holes (marked in green on picture), and 2x M3X15 in two holes on top with nuts on the back (marked with yellow)


  • Mount blue ABL sensor and X endstop switch. Use bottom two holes for Volcano, and top two if using standard heatblock.


  • Assemble motor and extruder with hotend on Motor bracket and mount Motor bracket to Carriage with 4 M3X10 bolts.


  • Assemble fan base, 5015 fan and duct with M4X25 and nuts, then mount them with M3X18 with washer on the right side of Carriage in the bottom hole with threaded insert
  • Optionally mount ADXY345 sensor in top two holes on right side with threaded inserts. Use M3X10 screws.


  • Make sure all wires are connected correctly and routed nicely.
  • Check all heaters, fans and motor is working and are turning in right directions.
  • Make corrections for ABL sensor vs nozzle position and Z-offset!


Some pictures have an older version of parts.

I only tested with V6 hotend and Volcano heatblock. It should be compatible with other types of hotend like dragonfly that use same mounting to extruder, and standard heatblocks (ABL sensor can be mounted to top two holes for this shorter versions), but I did not try it to be sure.


If someone can make a better fan duct, please contact me.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
