My first ever 3D Modelling attempt. I needed an adapter that was easy to remove for the exhaust fan on my PC as we come in to the hotter months. This is going to be attached to a portable air-conditioner hose, and to the window plate to help exhaust hot air from the PC outside rather than heat up our small room. I designed this in Fusion360 and have included the STEP file for anyone who wants to remix.
Hose ordered is 130mm inner diameter, but this should work fine with the bead on it (goes out to about 127mm).
Magnets are 'Everhang 8mm Rare Earth Disc Magnet - 10 Pack' from Bunnings (8mm x 3mm);
Air-con hose and window plate was bought from here -
Magnets are press-fit (I used a vice). Originally I was going to glue them in, but it seems I lucked out on the tight magnet fit.
Ziptie the air-con hose on and away you go. Easy to remove from the back of the case if the room is too cold and you want to heat it up a bit more.
Material: eSun PETG
Quality: 0.2mm
Infill: 15%
Support: Everywhere
Bed Adhesion: Skirt
I printed this with an Ender 3 with mods of course, and a Fulament FulaFlex 2.0 magnetic PEI bed (Textured side).
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.