Modular Raspberry Pi Workbench

Raspberry Pi workstation with modular panel and tray.
updated October 24, 2022



Tired of my Pi and Breadboard sitting around loose. Wanted a "workstation" for my testing Pi and breadboard (connected with the Vilros breakout). Designed this to hold them and then decided to make the panel modular so I could design other layouts or a place to mount a small display. Also included a small parts drawer in the empty space below.

This version 1 release is just a simple Raspberry Pi mount and a blank panel. I plan on designing additional panels and adding them to this project. Include a .step file of the panel so you could design your own.

The tray fits my 63 row 165mm x 55mm breadboard. I also included a .step file of that if you need to modify.

Tray snaps on, but I am not completely happy with the method. Going to redesign. The panel attaches with (4) M2.5x8 and the Pi with (4) M2.5x5.

I designed this so that the only place you really needed supports was the drawer opening. Nowhere else really needs supports.



  • I gave the drawer a 0.3 gap so it would fit, but not be too loose. You might want to scale the part down a smidge in your slicer if its too tight.
  • The only place that needs supports is the frame opening for the drawer.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
