3D Printer Enclosure using 500mm square acrylic panel

Enclosure made of 2020 aluminum extruded profiles 500 mm long and 500 mm square acrylic panels for partitions
65h 40m
16× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
557.00 g
updated November 8, 2022



I made an enclosure for a 3D printer using 500mm long 2020 aluminum extruded profiles and 500mm square acrylic panels for a partition. Below is a comparison with the enclosure using IKEA's LACK.



  • High cost of parts
  • Difficult to assemble (I have never built an enclosure using LACK, so this is an estimate)

About acrylic panels

The acrylic panels were adapted from those used for partitions. It is preferable to use ones without notches and with separate parts for the legs. I used the following. The thickness is 3 mm. At first I planned to use 6 panels, so I bought a set of 4 panels and a set of 2 panels, but in the end I needed 5 panels.

I think it would be easy to remix the enclosure with different sizes by replacing some of them with 500mm x 600mm or 600mm x 600mm acrylic panels and 600mm long aluminum extruded profiles.
一部を500mm x 600mmや600mm x 600mmのアクリルパネルと長さ600mmのアルミ押し出しプロファイルに置き換えれば、筐体のサイズを変更したリミックスが容易にできると思います。

Processing of Acrylic Panels

The four corners of the acrylic panel are sandwiched and secured from both sides, eliminating the need to process the panel. Both the aluminum extruded profile and the acrylic panel are 500 mm, but there is an error in the dimensions of each, so please make adjustments while assembling. If you tighten the screws too tightly at the beginning, the panels may not fit together at the end.

The front door is made of printed parts and fitted into the frame, so there is no need to modify the panel. 2mm was used to stretch the panel because a gap was created when the panel was actually made to the exact size on the CAD.

The doors could not be made to open both ways because I could not find 250mm x 500mm panels. The doors are heavy and tend to deform under their own weight, so I used geared hinges. This was remixed to fit the 2020 aluminum extrusion profile.
250mm x 500mmのパネルが見つからなかったので、扉を両開きにする事はできませんでした。扉が重くて、自重で変形してしまいがちなのでヒンジにはギア付きのものを使っています。これは2020アルミ押し出しプロファイルに合うようにリミックスしました。

Processing of the top panel

In order to place the filament dry box at the top of the enclosure, I made a hole in the top panel for the filament to pass through. This hole is not necessary if the dry box is not used, but since there is no room in the height of the enclosure, some kind of device will be needed if the filament is to be placed inside.

M6 holes are drilled in the center. The following parts are used to attach the pneumatic fittings.

Transformation of the top panel

When I placed the filament dry box on top of the enclosure, the top panel flexed a lot. As a stopgap measure, I placed an aluminum square pipe. This will be addressed in the future, including fixing the filament dry box.

Floating the enclosure

The legs used to stand the acrylic panel up to make a partition were used as feet for the enclosure, as the height was just right for placing the LCD display at the bottom of the enclosure. If you cannot obtain these feet, you will need to make your own. I have not checked, but if you leave the LCD panel attached to the printer, the Y-carriage may collide with the enclosure because of the 500 mm internal dimensions of the enclosure.

Even if you replace the heat bed cable cover with one that has a 60 degree angle below, there is still a risk of collision.

Removing the bottom panel

At first I had an acrylic panel on the bottom, but removed it because the vibration of the printer was transmitted to the enclosure and caused noise. Instead, I cut 15 mm thick styrofoam into 300 mm x 360 mm pieces, stacked four of them, and placed them under the printer. This is based on the following article.
最初は底面をアクリルパネルにしていたのですが、プリンターの振動が筐体に伝わって騒音が発生したので外しました。代わりに厚さ15mmのスタイロフォームを300mm x 360mmの大きさに切断し、4枚重ねてプリンターの下に敷いています。これは以下の記事を参考にしました。

T slot nut adapter

I wanted to be able to fit the nuts without using screws because of the large quantity used, but it did not work. If you know of a good T slot nut model, it would be better to use that.

I placed them horizontally and printed them with support, but it was difficult to remove the support. It might have been better to place them at an angle like the model below. It still requires post-processing, but it seems easier than removing the supports.

Parts List

Required Parts

Purchased parts
Printed parts
  • inner L angle: 24
  • outer corner cover: 16
  • corner block: 8
  • foot connecter: 4
  • corner frame: 2
  • corner frame left bottom: 1
  • corner frame left top: 1
  • straight frame: 2
  • handle frame: 1
  • hinge frame: 1
  • extended tab mini gear hinge: 4
  • LCD panel attachment: 1
  • LCD panel attachment mirror: 1
  • PSU attachment: 1
  • T slot nut adapter: 109
    • inner L angle: 24x2
    • outer corner cover: 16x2
    • foot connecter: 4x1
    • extended tab mini gear hinge: 4x3
    • LCD panel attachment and mirrir: 1+1
    • PSU: 2
    • PSU attachment: 1
    • magnet catch: 2x2
    • thermo meter holder: 1x2
    • inner meter holder: 1x2

Optional parts

Purchased parts
Printing parts
  • thermo meter holder: 1
  • inner meter holder: 1

How to assemble

Insert M3 nut into T-slot nut adapter

There are many adapters, but be patient.

The basic idea is to insert 8 T-slot nuts at each end of the four slots in the extruded aluminum profile. This is for the "inner L angle" and "outer corner cover". Based on this condition, the number can be increased or decreased depending on the location. For example, since "outer corner cover" is not used on the front and bottom, the number is reduced by that amount.
Tスロットナットはアルミ押し出しプロファイルの四つの溝の両端に計8個挿入するのが基本です。これは"inner L angle"と"outer corner cover"用です。この状態をベースに、場所に合わせて数を増減していきます。例えば正面と底面には"outer corner cover"を使わないので、その分だけ数を減らします。

  • bottom-front: 8
    • outer corner cover: -4
    • LCD panel attachment and mirror: +2
  • bottom-back: 8
    • outer corner cover: -2
  • bottom-left: 8
    • outer corner cover: -2
    • foot connecter: +2
    • PSU: +2
    • PSU attachment: +1
  • bottom-right: 8
    • outer corner cover: -2
    • foot connecter: +2
  • side-front-left: 8
    • outer corner cover: -2
    • extended tab mini gear hinge: +12 or magnet catch: +4
  • side-front-right: 8
    • outer corner cover: -2
    • magnet catch: +4 or extended tab mini gear hinge: +12
  • side-back-left: 8
  • side-back-right: 8
  • top-front: 8
    • outer corner cover: -2
    • thermo meter holder: +2
    • inner meter holder: +2
  • top-back: 8
  • top-left: 8
  • top-right: 8

Assembling the bottom and top frames

Connect the four extruded aluminum profiles using "inner L angle" and "corner block". Do not tighten the screws at the beginning, but fix them temporarily.
"inner L angle"と"corner block"を使って4本のアルミ押し出しプロファイルを接続します。ネジは最初からきつくしめず、仮固定しておきます。

Make two frames, one for the bottom and one for the top.Do not forget to insert the required number of T-slot nuts beforehand. The "corner block" is fragile and should be handled with care.
底面と天面用として二つのフレームを作って下さい。あらかじめ必要な数のTスロットナットを挿入しておくのを忘れないでください。"corner block"は折れやすいので、取り扱いに注意して下さい。

Attach the feet

Insert the "foot connecters" into the feet provided with the partition.
“foot connecter”をパーテーションに付属している足に差し込みます。

Then attach them to the bottom frame.

Assemble the side frames

Connect the four aluminum extruded profiles using the "inner L angle". Then insert the necessary T-slot nuts in their respective places.
“inner L angle”を使って4本のアルミ押し出しプロファイルを接続します。その後、それぞれの場所に必要なTスロットナットを挿入して下さい。

Attach the top surface frame

Attach the top surface frame that was assembled first. The number of T-slot nuts required depends on the location, so be sure to orient them correctly.

Assemble the door

Screw the magnetic catch hardware into the “handle frame”. The screws are the ones that come with the magnetic catch. This picture is of an older version, so the shape will be slightly different from the latest version.
“handle frame”にマグネットキャッチの金具をねじ止めします。ネジはマグネットキャッチに付属しているものです。この写真は旧版のものなので、最新版とは形状が若干異なります。

Fit the acrylic panel into the groove of the following parts. Use M3x6mm screws only for fixing this door frame.

  • corner frame left bottom
  • corner frame left top
  • corner frame
  • handle frame
  • hinge frame
  • straight frame

Attach the door to the frame using the "extended tab mini gear hinge". Then attach the magnetic catch to the frame, aligning it with the hardware on the handle. I assembled mine with the hinge on the left and the handle on the right, but it can be reversed.
“extended tab mini gear hinge”を使ってドアをフレームに取り付けます。そしてマグネットキャッチをハンドルに取り付けた金具の位置に合わせてフレームに取り付けます。私はヒンジが左、ハンドルが右になるように組み立てましたが、逆にすることも可能です。

Attach the acrylic panel

Install the acrylic panel by sandwiching it between the "inner L angle" and the "outer corner cover". After adjusting the acrylic panel so that it fits into the "inner L angle" and "outer corner cover", fix the screws of the "inner L angle" and "outer corner cover".
"inner L angle"と"outer corner cover"で挟み込む形でアクリルパネルを取り付けます。アクリルパネルを嵌め込めるように調整した上で、"inner L angle"と"outer corner cover"のネジを最終的に固定して下さい。

Install the PSU

Remove the power supply unit from the printer and install a replacement frame. I used the following one, but use the one appropriate for your model.

Attach the "PSU attachment" to the power supply. Then attach it with three screws as shown in the picture. After all, the "PSU attachment" is fixed to the same frame as the other two screws, so I don't think it is necessary to use it, but I put it on just in case. If you are concerned about it, please remix the screws so that they are attached to a different frame.
“PSU attachment”を電源に取り付けます。そして写真のようにネジを3個使って取り付けます。結局のところ“PSU attachment”は他の二つのネジと同じフレームに固定してしまっているので、なくても良い気がするのですが、念の為につけました。気になる方は違うフレームに固定するようにリミックスして下さい。

Installing the LCD panel

Disconnect the cables from the LCD panel and remove the panel from the printer frame, along with its supporting parts (lcd-supports). Then screw the "LCD panel attachment" and "LCD panel attachment mirror" to the lcd-supports. After putting the cables back in place, screw the "LCD panel attachment" to the bottom-front aluminum extrusion profile to complete the process. The following picture shows the view from the top after fixing.
LCDパネルのケーブルを外し、パネルをその固定部品(lcd-supports)ごとプリンターのフレームから外します。そして"LCD panel attachment"と"LCD panel attachment mirror"をlcd-supportsにねじ止めします。ケーブルを元に戻してからbottom-frontのアルミ押し出しプロファイルに"LCD panel attachment"をねじ止めすれば完成です。以下の写真は固定後に上から覗き込んだ様子です。


The assembly of the enclosure is now complete.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
