Chute Bin L Lid for Bambulab

A lid for the Chute Bin L v2 from thrutheframe.
updated May 10, 2024



Since my cat kept steeling the poop filaments to play with, and me stepping in to them all over the house. I decided to put a lid on it. 

Stepping on one of those filament poops is not as painful as stepping on Lego. But it is pretty annoying. And my bin never had to be emptied. It was always empty. Silly cat. 

So I fired up Fusion360 and created the lid for the Chute bin L v2 from thrutheframe. It is a nice fit with a little ledge so it will not slip off. It also has the opening for the chute cover so the poopies will not miss the bucket. . I added a little handle for some grip. 

How to print

  • I printed this with the top facing down on the bed.
  • I did use support. It will be needed in the grip part. But it is easy to remove. (printed on Bambu printer)

 Print time was 1 hour 50 minutes and took 84 grams of filament. 



Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

I added the Fusion 360 file (Chute_Bin_L_Lid v5.f3d) for those who are interested in it. 
