The inductive probe I bought
If it the link happens to be invalid, here is some information about it:
you can find it by typing “Lj12a3-4-z/bx” or “Lj12a3-4-z/by” bx is NO = Normally Open, and by is NC = Normally Closed, I include a chart in the picture section of different type of inductive probes, the two I listed are either NPN or PNP, please reference the chart to know which one is which, depending on which one you purchase you may have to invert the trigger in klipper or do equivalent in marlin and other firmware.
You can see in the picture I brought the nut to the very end to have it as close to bed as possible. I managed to take thickness that the nut rests on from 2mm to 1mm so its 1mm closer along with “bottoming it out”
Here is some info below, some is useless, some is useful
The overall length is 56.7 MM
the threading is 38mm.
Offset is 30,-1, but you should still measure just to verify.
The author remixed this model.