This design was inspired by RyukyuD excellant idea for resolving tape storage. Unfortunately the design isn't particularly optomised and suffers from beginner 3d printing design mistakes, primarily: 3d printing every component even when off the shelf components (ie rods) are for cheaper and suitable; Far too many fillets; limited to one orientation, no source files or parametrisation, the hangers could foul each other as no offset included.
As a result I set about redesigning from scratch while making it work for SKADIS pegboard as well as screwing directly into a wall or wood beam.
The keyed slots are for my Skadis Universal Slot Nut System. I recommend you use the SNS_TwistNut with 16mm M3 countersunk Machine Screws.
Key Improvements
Please note the brackets can be directly screwed into a solid surface, if not using a Skadis pegboard.
See the guide here (WILL ADD SOON) for how to assemble a Skadis Universal Slot Nut System part.
The design uses 20mm rod, this can be any material (wood, metal or plastic) I recommend using heavy duty pvc round conduit as it is very cheap. Examples:
If you live in a region with another standard size then the fusion file has a parameter that will adjust the models to fit.
Each hanger comes in 5 width variants, the nominal width can hold a tape of 10mm less than its stated width, ie the 60 variant is for 50mm tape (ie duct tape) . They are appended by a number indicating the drop length (30mm, 50mm) 50 is the optimal for most tapes but for smaller roles like electrical tapes you may choose to use the 30.
The brackets come in 3 types both as a constrained and easy access slot in versions, and are appended with a number indication the wall offset of the rod (40mm, 60mm, 80mm). 60 will work best for most applications.
Miscellaneous add ons
The author remixed this model.