2.5D pantograph router

2.5D pantograph router using 2 arms (1 vertical, 1 horizontal) and a linear ball bearing slide. Not a complete model.
updated October 13, 2022



'2.5D' pantograph router using 2 arms (1 vertical, 1 horizontal) and a linear ball bearing slide. Not a complete model, but more of an inspiration for others to build on. I made mine in a mix of PLA and plywood, making a 3mm thick pla template of some parts and tracing them out with my router. the arms are 11.2mm thick because that's the thickness of my ply. holes 8mm because that's the size of the bolts I have on hand.

It's not REALLY 2.5D but it has a moderate amount of depth capability depending on what tool you use, a router mounted deeply like mine will give you about 100mm of work-space in the z direction, with the X and Y being limited by the length of your rod and the length of your arms (and the distance between your stylus and router bit of course) - again, this is representative of the space I have available, not the size you personally should make it - but if they are too big, a different material will need to be used with more rigidity, my first upgrade will be to use aluminium extrusions (30x30?) rather than ply, and to add a set of rods vertically to give better Z control, but in doing this i will swap out the current rod for something that doesn't allow it to spin, some sort of square stock with rollers perhaps. This is a work in progress and is currently only at the proof of concept stage but it works and that's what's important

Please be kind, I'm good with my hands, not so much on the computer


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
